Monday, November 16, 2009

Pete and Dexter

One of my new favorite writers is Pete Wells, in particular his series "Cooking with Dexter" that appears in the New York Times Magazine every few weeks. The articles describe, lightheartedly and touchingly, his adventures in cooking with his five year old son, Dexter. Wells does a fantastic job at pinpointing the wonderful things about children in the kitchen, as well as children in general - this week he discussed Dexter's affinity for the two movies The Last Waltz and Ratatouille, each of which he has watched upwards of 100 times. I don't know about you, but I definitely remember latching onto certain movies - often completely random ones - and watching them over and over and over again. And let's be honest, it is pretty cool that Dexter likes The Band!

Anyway, I am always thrilled when the magazine has another one of the series, so I wanted to be sure and point them out. The writing is good and the message is better: cooking with others is fun and important. And children can be pretty funny (see the "Punch Line" article where Dexter learns to bartend)!

For the articles, click here. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

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